How DC Government Works

DC government only works well when DC residents are involved.  Let’s face it, most of us don’t know how to get involved  (beyond voting) in a way that has an impact on the laws and policies that ultimately get put into place.  If you want to do more than just vote, come and learn how at the following event:

Empower DC & DC Jobs with Justice

Present the Grassroots Leadership Education Program


How Does the DC Council Function?
How Are Laws Made? What do Committees Do?

Facilitated by Empower DC staff organizers

Tuesday, September 25th
6:30-8:30 PM

Southeast Library – 403 7th St, SE
Adjacent to the Eastern Market Metro
Wheelchair accessible location

RSVP to Schyla at (202) 234-9119 x 101

* limited child care available, please RSVP *

With Support From:
DC Child Care Collective

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