Free Marissa Alexander Speak Out

Seventy percent of all women who die at the hands of their abusers after they have left. So much for the argument that leaving an abuser insures a woman’s safety. Is it possible that Marissa Alexander is less likely to be beaten or murdered in prison then she is in her own home? I don’t pose the question to suggest that Alexander or the one in four American women abused by their partners belong in prison but to suggest that something’s wrong if we as a society protect women who are deliberately harmed by their husbands or boyfriends by putting them in jail. What are our other options and how often are they used?

Adwoa Masozi’s video from the Free Marissa Alexander Speak Out, which took place on International Women’s Day in Columbia Heights, includes some suggestions for how we might begin to turn this kind of injustice around. Shout out to Women Organized to Resist and Defend for organizing the event. For more information go to

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