President Elect Aquarius Vann-Ghasri and two other Potomac Gardens residents prepare to cast their votes for the resident council board.
Although the official vote count won’t be complete until June, Grasroots DC would like to congratulate Aquarius Vann-Ghasri on her unofficial re-election to the position of president of the Potomac Gardens Resident Council. Vann-Ghasri credits her promotion of what she calls a Resident-Driven Leadership Model. Using this model, she has coordinated many presentations, focus groups and round table discussion based on the concerns and issues identified by Potomac Gardens’ residents.
Events coordinated by President Vann-Ghasri include presentations by representatives from Bread for the City’s Legal Clinic, the Office of the Tenant Advocate, the US Attorney General’s Office, Empower DC, etc. She has also brought speakers from Washington, DC’s activist community including Linda Leaks of the Justice Advocacy Alliance, Lucy Murphy of the DC Labor Chorus, Ronald Moten, author of Drinking Muddy Waters and Nisa Harper, author of Confessions of a Crazy Baby Mama.
Potomac Gardens has two resident councils. One representing those who live in the family residencies and another for those who live in the senior building.
The board for the family residents includes:
President – Aquarius Vann-Ghasri
Vice President – Diane Hewitt
Secretary – Shirley Ford
Treasure – Misha Pettway
Seargent of Arms – Vacant
The board for the seniors’ building includes:
President – Martha Moore
Vice President – Lionel Adams
Treasurer – Claudia McCormack
Secretary – Karen Clyburn-Bennett
Seargant of Arms – Robert Woodard