Reparations: A Very Basic Primer

Reparations: a process of repairing, healing and restoring a people injured because of their group identity and in violation of their fundamental human rights. In 2019, the House held a Hearing on H.R. 40, Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act.  There was no vote but the hearing itself was historic.  We take a look at what led up to this point.

A Timeline Leading Up to The “Revitalization” of Barry Farm

With the deconstruction and rebuilding of Barry Farm under way, it is important to understand some of the key factors of this process, what led up to it and how it has been affecting the existing community. Here is a somewhat concise timeline of events to provide context and stay updated on the fast-changing neighborhood.

Incompatible Allies: Black Lives Matter, March 4 Our Lives and the US Debate about Guns and Violence
After the mass shooting in Parkland, student activists did their level best to move the US to adopt gun reform. Grassroots DC's documentary Incompatible Allies asks if the gun reform that they call for is in line with the demands of Black Lives Matter, with whom they claim to have an affinity?

Initiative 77 & The Crisis of The Tipped Minimum Wage

The minimum wage for hourly workers in the District of Columbia is set to increase to $15.00. For Tipped workers, which can include servers, valets, and bartenders, receive $3.89 per hour, with an anticipated increase to $5.00 by 2020. If it seems unfair, that's because it is.

D.C. Public School Budget 2017

The April issue of the Citizen Reader highlights the DCPS fiscal year 2017 proposed budget and financial plan. . . . → Read More: D.C. Public School Budget 2017

No Shortage of Ideas for Better, More Affordable Child Care

The cost of un-subsidized child care is extraordinarily high, raising sometimes insurmountable barriers to low-income parents who want to work. The community-based child care centers that many low-income families rely on are reimbursed at ridiculously low rates. But there are answers. We need only the will to implement and pay for them. . . . → Read More: No Shortage of Ideas for Better, More Affordable Child Care

Survival’s Price

“…Afro-Americans have never had any kind of a chance to recover from the traumatic wounds of slavery…” Michele Wallace, The Culture War within the Culture Wars . . . → Read More: Survival’s Price

Questions for D.C.’s Deputy Mayor for Education

Every year, as part of the Council’s oversight responsibilities, the various committees send out a list of questions to each of the agencies within their purview. The Citizen Reader gives some attention to a few of the Committee on Education’s oversight questions to the office of the Deputy Mayor for Education. . . . → Read More: Questions for D.C.’s Deputy Mayor for Education

A Few Unarmed Blacks Killed in the U.S Since 2012

Within the past few years there has been an increase in media coverage regarding unarmed Blacks being targeted and killed by police. It is important to keep track of and acknowledge the victims whose lives were wrongfully taken. This timeline provides a brief account of a few of the unarmed killings of Blacks that have happened in The United States since 2012. . . . → Read More: A Few Unarmed Blacks Killed in the U.S Since 2012