Reparations: A Very Basic Primer

Reparations: a process of repairing, healing and restoring a people injured because of their group identity and in violation of their fundamental human rights. In 2019, the House held a Hearing on H.R. 40, Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act.  There was no vote but the hearing itself was historic.  We take a look at what led up to this point.

A Timeline Leading Up to The “Revitalization” of Barry Farm

With the deconstruction and rebuilding of Barry Farm under way, it is important to understand some of the key factors of this process, what led up to it and how it has been affecting the existing community. Here is a somewhat concise timeline of events to provide context and stay updated on the fast-changing neighborhood.

Incompatible Allies: Black Lives Matter, March 4 Our Lives and the US Debate about Guns and Violence
After the mass shooting in Parkland, student activists did their level best to move the US to adopt gun reform. Grassroots DC's documentary Incompatible Allies asks if the gun reform that they call for is in line with the demands of Black Lives Matter, with whom they claim to have an affinity?

Initiative 77 & The Crisis of The Tipped Minimum Wage

The minimum wage for hourly workers in the District of Columbia is set to increase to $15.00. For Tipped workers, which can include servers, valets, and bartenders, receive $3.89 per hour, with an anticipated increase to $5.00 by 2020. If it seems unfair, that's because it is.

How Line Dancing Helped Big Mike Save Himself

Kids can be mean. Few know this better than 36-year-old DC native and Potomac Gardens resident Michael Ballard. Michael Ballard was heavy all of his life. The kids called him Fat Mike. His mother suffered from weight problems also so she understood what it was like to be teased and humiliated at school. It was only natural that they would become extremely close.

Michael continued to put on weight throughout school. By the time he graduated high school he weighed 300 pounds. Many people assume that anyone that weighs that much can’t do anything. Michael proved them wrong by going to work right out of high school. From 2000 to 2005 he worked for Goodwill Industries in housekeeping, a job he enjoyed. In 2005 Goodwill lost their contract with the Armed Forces Retirement Home and Michael went to work for Melwood, a nonprofit that creates jobs and opportunities for people with disabilities, in their housekeeping department.

At Melwood, Michael faced discrimination. His co-workers claimed that he had body odor; that he took up too much space; that he moved too slowly and was unable to complete his tasks because he couldn’t fit into the bathroom. It was high school all over again. Within just a few months Michael had left Melwood and returned to Goodwill Industries. But the stress at Melwood had caused Michael to put on more weight. He now weighed ?? pounds. He had a different project manager at Goodwill, one who didn’t know him well and he faced discrimination at Goodwill as well.

He was accused of sitting on and breaking Goodwill’s second-hand chairs. To address the problem, the Government Service Administration brought a bench to his job site exclusively for Michael to use. Unfortunately, his project manager, unwilling to find ways to accommodate an employee of Michael’s size, threw the bench into the trash.

Besides the stress of the hostile work environment, Michael developed an upper respiratory infection from working in Goodwill’s Garage. Despite all this, Michael continued to work at Goodwill from 2006 until 2013, when he was let go.

After losing his job, Michael’s health deteriorated. Due to his extreme weight, Michael had for years suffered from lymphedma— a condition that causes swelling in the arms or legs as a result of a blockage in the lymphatic system that prevents lymph fluid from draining well—on the bottom of both his legs. Michael also developed cellulites—a noncontagious bacterial skin infection—which spread from the bottom of both of his legs to his pelvis. This condition landed him in Washington Hospital for a ten-day stretch in March of 2013. From there he was transferred to Saint Thomas Moore Rehabilitation Center where he was bed bound for two months.

Two months of having to eat in the bed, having the bed made while lying in it, having his body turned and cleaned in the bed was more humiliating than years of being teased. Michael’s weight had made him a target for mockery but now it was risking his life. Michael knew that the only way to escape the derision and to save his life was to control his weight.

In May 2013, he went from being bed bound to being wheel chair ridden. Once in the chair, he was able to begin participating in physical therapy. Soon he was able to move around with a rollator. In December of 2013, Michael was well enough to move back home to Potomac Gardens but not without the use of two portable oxygen tanks.

By this time, his mother was in trouble. Being overweight herself, she had a hernia that had grown to the size of a soccer ball. In 2014, Michael’s mother had surgery at Georgetown Hospital. Terrified that he might lose his best friend, Michael’s stress levels soared along with his eating. While his mother was recovering, Michael’s weight ballooned. At 700 pounds, hospitalization was inevitable.

This time, Michael was offered the option of a sleeve gastrectomy, a procedure that removes all but twenty-five percent of the stomach and greatly limits the patient’s food intake. The operation was performed by Dr. Paul Lin at George Washington University Hospital in March of 2015. Seven months later, Michael had lost 301 pounds.

How did he do it? In addition to the gastrectomy, Michael started exercising with regularity and intensity. For three hours, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays he does water aerobics. His real passion is line dancing, which he does from 6:00 – 8:30 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the . . . → Read More: How Line Dancing Helped Big Mike Save Himself

This Light: Sounds For Social Change Interviews Adrienne Maree Brown of Octavia’s Brood

Octavia’s Brood, co-edited by Walidah Imarisha & adrienne maree brown, is an anthology of radical science & speculative fiction written by organizers & activists, based in the idea that those working to change the world are sci-fi/speculative thinkers! Whenever we try to envision a world without war, without violence, without prisons, without capitalism, we are engaging in an exercise of speculative fiction. Organizers and activists struggle tirelessly to create and envision another world, or many other worlds, just as science fiction does… so what better venue for organizers to explore their work than through writing original science fiction stories? Co-editors Adrienne Maree Brown and Walidah Imarisha offer us Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements, as a way to uncover the truths buried in the fantastical – and to inject a healthy dose of the fantastical into our search for truth.

Many radical minds believe this field was evolved by late science fiction writer Octavia Butler, for whom this collection will be named. Butler explored the intersections of identity and imagination – exploring the gray areas of race, class, gender, sexuality, militarism, inequality, oppression, resistance and most importantly, hope.


The Million Man March and the Future of the Movement

The United States has an undeniable amount of work to do in order to tackle the racial injustices and inequalities the country still faces. The Million Man March played its part in that by encouraging people from all across the country to gather on the National Mall on October 10th 2015. Though the Nation of Islam and its current leader, Minister Farrakhan are considered controversial to some, the message of the March was clear; “Justice or Else!” The March marked the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March which highlighted how little had changed for racial equality and how much more needs to be done. The event had a handful of passionate speakers representing the Native American Indian, Latino, Arab, Mexican and African American communities.

The turnout of the march however, accurately reflected the issue at large. The majority of those who attended the March came from communities directly affected by the injustices and racial disparities, but where was everyone else? Just a few blocks down from the movement was the annual Taste of DC where it saw a turnout of around 50,000 people. One gathering consisted of those interested in meandering around food stalls and drink stands, tasting the best of what DC has to offer, while the other gathered demanding justice and equal protection under the law. The point here is not to guilt-trip those who were unable to attend the March but more to highlight priorities. Change will not happen if people do not look beyond their own circumstances, Black Lives Matter encourages just that. The reality lays in the idea that if the United States government and protective services of any kind truly valued all lives to the same degree, there would not be so many African American and other minority groups beaten by police, incarcerated for trivial matters and discriminated against on a daily basis. Change will come from people tacking racial injustices as human rights issues that affect everyone. August 2014, PEW Research Center released data that showed almost 60% of the White population believed that the Nation had done enough for racial equality, which dropped to 40% in 2015.


Percentage of American’s who say the Nation has done enough for racial equality.

Fig. 1 PEW Research Center 2015

2014 2015 % Change White 57% 40% 17 Black 17% 8% 9 Hispanic 43% 21% 22


This chart conveys that as of 2015, 92% of the African American population believe that the country has a lot more to work on in order to achieve racial equality. It is clear that the change in opinion seen in the chart occurred as a result of not only more injustices arising but also more coverage. Black Lives Matter started in July 2013 but gained even more momentum and public awareness in 2014 after the murder of two unarmed black men, Michael Brown in Ferguson Missouri and Eric Garner in New York City. As quoted by the Million Man March 2015, Dr Martin Luther King said

“Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable … Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals”.

Everyone has a role to play in the movement of racial equality and justice for all. The March may be over but this is “not a moment, but a movement” (#blacklivesmatter). There are many ways to get involved with campaigns for justice mentioned at the Million Man March.

The following are some of the demands set out by the Million Man March with information on how you can get involved.


We want an immediate end to police brutality and mob attacks.

Get involved with:

Black Lives Matter

The National Police Accountability Project

NPAP Justice

Phone (212) 630-9939

American Civil liberties Union

Stolen Lives Project

We want Justice for the Native American Indians.

Get involved with:

National Indian Justice Center

Unitarian Universalist Association: Justice for Native People

National Criminal Justice Reference Service

We want Justice for the Mexican and Latinos.

Get involved with:

Latino Justice

Hispanics in Philanthropy

We want Justice for Women.

Get involved with:

Planned Parenthood

American Civil Liberties Union

Women’s Rights

Women for Women International

Amnesty International: Women’s Rights

We want Justice for the Poor.

Get involved with:

Justice for the Poor: J4P,,menuPK:3282947~pagePK:149018~piPK:149093~theSitePK:3282787,00.html

Street Sense

Feeding America tel: 800.771.2303

We want Justice for the Incarcerated.

Get involved with:

Insight Prison Project


. . . → Read More: The Million Man March and the Future of the Movement

Does the District Need More Police Or More Resources?

Mayor Bowser has a plan to address D.C.’s rise in crime. It involves more police and greater police powers. Your experience with the police may suggest that this might not be the best way to go. Let the mayor and the city council know how you feel about this issue. Tell your story on videotape at the below locations today and tomorrow!!!

The History and On-Going Legacy of Christopher Columbus

Any excuse for a day off is welcome, but Christopher Columbus is the worst reason we’ve come up with yet. If you need a reminder why, check out this video by the Young Turks.

Posted by The Young Turks on Wednesday, October 7, 2015

And here’s a manifesto from The Red Nation, who are fighting for the rights of indigenous communities today.

Finally, here’s a really wonderful video about changing the way Native Americans are portrayed in the media by photographer, activist, writer and educator Matika Wilbur.

If you’d like to do a little something to end Columbus Day and perhaps remember the indigenous people that he and his intellectual and emotional descendants did their best to eradicate, here’s a petition you can sign to help move the issue forward.

To learn more about this issue and many more actions you can take, go to