By Liane Scott, on July 21st, 2015
According to DC law (specifically the District of Columbia’s First Source Employment Agreement Act of 1984), city residents should be given priority for new jobs created by municipal financing and development programs. Because of this law, DC residents have since 1984 received more jobs particularly in construction and the hospitality industry, right? Not according to the numbers. Originally, the law required that 51% of all new hires on any government-assisted project or contract must be District residents. However, amendments to the original law exempted contracts under $300,000 and job categories if skilled workers within those categories are not available. Not surprisingly, very few, government contractors actually comply with the 51% new hire regulation, as the chart below illustrates.
So much for the notion that development (i.e. gentrification) spurs job growth for DC residents. What can be done? Join ONE DC’s First Source Jobs Action and find out.
Cross-Posted from ONE DC written by Claire Cook
Come and rise up with ONE DC in action to hold the Mayor accountable to District residents who want to work. This action is a next step in raising awareness about the lack of enforcement around the First Source Law and the city’s broken workforce development system. We plan to get the attention of Mayor Bowser and have her meet our demands.
Join us at Freedom Plaza (closest Metro Station- Federal Triangle) where we will have a teach-in about direct action followed the action at the Wilson Building.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015 9am – 1pm Freedom Plaza 1455 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington , DC 20004 United States
Demand economic and racial justice!
Hold our mayor, DC public officials, developers and companies accountable to First Source!
Join the fight for a truly equitable city!
Sign the petition
For more information contact or call (202) 232-2915
By Liane Scott, on July 19th, 2015
Museum Square is a Section 8 apartment complex in the Chinatown neighborhood of Washington, D.C. The Section 8 or Housing Choice Voucher Program is a federal program that assists very low-income families, the elderly and the disabled who cannot afford decent, safe and sanitary housing in the private market. Since housing assistance is provided on behalf of the family or individual, participants are free to choose any housing that meets the requirements of the program and are not limited to units located in subsidized housing projects. Sounds great, doesn’t it? The problem is that the vast majority of housing in the District doesn’t meet the requirement simply because landlords refuse to accept Housing Choice vouchers.
Housing Choice vouchers are traditionally accepted in low-income communities. The District’s neighborhoods are gentrifying so quickly that there are very few low-income communities left. When an otherwise low-income or working class community like Chinatown is “developed,” landlords who have contracts with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to accept Housing Choice or Section 8 vouchers often decide not to renew their contract. Once the contract runs out, they can sell the property to a developer who will kick out all of the voucher holders and move in tenants who can afford whatever rent they want to charge without government assistance. We call this displacement. But it doesn’t have to happen.
We, the people of DC, can take a stand for development without displacement, and help tenants stay in their homes!
Jews United for Justice, Andy Shallal, and Think Local First DC are throwing a party for neighbors and local businesses to celebrate and support the tenants of Museum Square in their struggle.
Celebrating the Museum Square Community Monday July 20, 2015 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Busboys and Poets (5th and K location) 1025 5th Street NW
When the Williamsburg, Va-based Bush Companies (also known as the W.H.H. Trice & Company, but neither has any meaningful online presence) decided they didn’t want to renew their Section 8 contract for the Museum Square Apartment complex, they informed the tenants. Because 70% of the tenants in the 312-unit complex are Chinese immigrants many of whom have limited English, they relied on the remaining 30%, most of whom are African-American to explain the meaning of the eviction letter that the Bush Companies had placed under their doors.
The tenants had two distinct choices, they could take their Housing Choice vouchers to another landlord or they could try and take advantage of the city’s Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act or TOPA. According to this legislation, Museum Square residents would be able to stay in their homes if they or a nonprofit developer willing to work with them, could come up with the $250 million dollars that the Bush Companies were asking for the property. Of course, if each household had $800,000 to pay for their apartments, they could bypass the nonprofit developer all together.
Turns out none of them wanted to leave their homes, but the $250 million dollars that the Bush Companies was asking for was more than any reasonable non-profit developer would try and raise. So the tenants went with a third option. They sued the Bush Companies for violating TOPA. Their case was based on the assumption that the price for the building was set astronomically high so that the tenants couldn’t possibly raise the money. Last year the property was valued at $36 million. So, it’s also unlikely that a for profit developer would make an offer of anything close to $250 million for the building. Not selling the building would allow the Bush Company to evict the low-rent tenants, tear the building down, build high-priced luxury condos and make a ridiculous profit in the process.
D.C.’s city council was also alarmed by the $250 million price tag. Was this loophole in TOPA the beginning of a new trend that would allow landlords a way out of their Section 8 contracts without the constraints of TOPA? In response, the city passed emergency legislation they hoped would stop the Bush Companies from selling or tearing down the property. The Bush Company in turn sued the city, claiming that the law singled them out. It didn’t work. In April of this year, a judge rejected the $250 million price tag, ruling that it was not a “bonafide offer of sale.” But the fight is not over. Despite claiming that they no longer want out of their Section 8 contract, the Bush Companies has applied . . . → Read More: Support Affordable Housing by Supporting Museum Square Tenants
By Grassroots DC, on July 13th, 2015
Looking for a job in construction, but have no experience? Sign up for this pre-apprenticeship program today! Call by Thursday July 16 to get into this program.
By Liane Scott, on July 9th, 2015
Written, directed, and produced by Brenda Hayes, Back Burner Dreams: A Women’s Passion Project, is the story of Carla, Stephanie, and Melanee three women who are prompted to revisit, revive, and renew their dreams and passions. This is a story told in two parts; part one introduces each woman to the audience, the reasons why their dreams have been waylaid, and how each one plans to revive and possibly realize their dreams. In part one, not only do we find out why their dreams were put on the “back burner”, we get a glimpse of each woman’s dream.
Carla performs one of her original songs while accompanying herself on the guitar. Stephanie dons her leotards and toe shoes and gets on pointe in the main hallway of the doctor’s office where she’s employed. And Melanee shares a monologue she wrote. The women are issued a challenge to bring their dreams to the “front burner” over a nine month period of time. At the end of that time period, Brenda will visit them again to see if any progress was made in bringing their dreams to fruition.
This Sunday, Curt Mariah, DJ Hoodsnax, Tatiana Aqueel, Ziggy Patience, HipHopMania Princess Best, Lucy Murphy and Carla Poindexter will support the Back Burner Dreams of documentary filmmaker Brenda Hayes. Please support the completion of Back Burner Dreams and come see wonderful performers, do a little dream casting, revisit the dreams you put on the back burner.
Your donation will help longtime Grassroots DC member and contributor Brenda Hayes make her dream of completing Back Burner Dreams – A Women’s Passion Project a reality!
Find more information about the film here.
For more information, email Brenda Hayes at
By Grassroots DC, on July 7th, 2015
Cross-Posted from the Real News
The Cherry Hill neighborhood of Baltimore went 400 days without a homicide despite record high crime rates. How did they do it? It wasn’t the police.
NEWSCASTERS: The deadly shooting of a one-year-old boy over the weekend. It happened Friday night in Cherry Hill. He was shot along Cherry Hill Road. Last week’s deadly shooting of a one-year-old boy in this Cherry Hill neighborhood.
JAISAL NOOR, PRODUCER, TRNN: A neighborhood once synonymous with crime, violence and murder in Baltimore.
MAYOR: I grew up knowing that Cherry Hill was, you know, notorious for the amount of violence.
NOOR: Is now being lauded for going over 400 days without a homicide at a time of record number of killings around the city. How did Cherry Hill residents overcome chronic poverty, unemployment, and crime to stop the killings?
SPEAKER: The police don’t do nothing out here. They never did and never will. You know what I mean, we police ourself.
SPEAKER: Myself along with Safe Streets and other leaders of the community, we just stay hands-on. We just stay engaged with the community, with the young people, we’re always out here. Constantly giving that message of no violence.
NOOR: How did Cherry Hill residents overcome chronic poverty, unemployment and crime to stop the killings? And how did things get so bad in Cherry Hill in the first place?
To read the entire transcript CLICK HERE
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