Written, directed, and produced by Brenda Hayes, Back Burner Dreams: A Women’s Passion Project, is the story of Carla, Stephanie, and Melanee three women who are prompted to revisit, revive, and renew their dreams and passions. This is a story told in two parts; part one introduces each woman to the audience, the reasons why their dreams have been waylaid, and how each one plans to revive and possibly realize their dreams. In part one, not only do we find out why their dreams were put on the “back burner”, we get a glimpse of each woman’s dream.
Carla performs one of her original songs while accompanying herself on the guitar. Stephanie dons her leotards and toe shoes and gets on pointe in the main hallway of the doctor’s office where she’s employed. And Melanee shares a monologue she wrote. The women are issued a challenge to bring their dreams to the “front burner” over a nine month period of time. At the end of that time period, Brenda will visit them again to see if any progress was made in bringing their dreams to fruition.
This Sunday, Curt Mariah, DJ Hoodsnax, Tatiana Aqueel, Ziggy Patience, HipHopMania Princess Best, Lucy Murphy and Carla Poindexter will support the Back Burner Dreams of documentary filmmaker Brenda Hayes. Please support the completion of Back Burner Dreams and come see wonderful performers, do a little dream casting, revisit the dreams you put on the back burner.
Your donation will help longtime Grassroots DC member and contributor Brenda Hayes make her dream of completing Back Burner Dreams – A Women’s Passion Project a reality!
Find more information about the film here.
For more information, email Brenda Hayes at bhayesfilms@gmail.com.