Cross-Posted from the DC Independent Media Center Written by Luke
On the 15th of August, Blackout DC staged what was announced as a march from the White House to the Capitol to protest police murder of Black and Brown people.
Cops expected a direct march but got a surprise! The march diverted from Pennsylvania Ave, north up 7th Street to Chinatown, then proceeded east to block the I-395 tunnels before finally going to the US Capitol. At the Capitol, offerings for those murdered by police were placed in a cardboard coffin. This was intended to take place on the Capitol steps, but US Capitol police blockaded the top exits from the Capitol West Lawn against protesters—and only protesters. As a result, the offering ceremony took place on the spot where people were blocked.
The march began for many at Lafayette Park, but was joined by a second march to the White House from the Department of Justice. Once merged, the march headed back out and initially down Pennsylvania Avenue, the route most marches take when going from the White House to US Capitol. At 7th Street, marchers pulled a surprise left turn. It appeared the target would now be the 7th and H Street intersection at Chinatown, but protesters didn’t stay there long. Soon the march headed east on H Street. From there the march went down the ramp to I-395 and blocked both sides of the road. It took quite a while for the police to reach the march. At least one police car went the wrong way back up the freeway. As police started building up, marchers withdrew, heading towards the Capitol after all.
At the Capitol, a coffin was brought up as the march crossed the Capitol West Lawn, only to encounter a police barricade at top of the paved walkway on the south side of the Capitol lawn. Tourists walked freely behind the police lines, having entered by another route. The coffin, with a teddy bear in it for a 7-year-old murdered by police, was brought right up to the front line but police simply would not allow a remembrance for the fallen to take place on the Capitol steps. At that point marchers drew back a few feet and conducted the ceremony at the top South corner of the Capitol lawn.
Tributes given included a teddy bear for 7 year old Aiyana Jones, cigarettes and a turn signal for Sandra Bland, Skittles for Trayvon Martin, a cross for those murdered in Charleston, and so many others. Near the end of the program one speaker warned “Get ready for war.”