Here’s a video I did for the Fair Budget Coalition last year during their State of the District’s Poverty event. In 2013, the FBC–along with a whole host of other organizations and individuals–was trying to convince Mayor Gray and the DC City Council to do something about the lack of affordable housing and the abundance of homelessness within the District of Columbia. The Fair Budget Coalition presented a plan to our elected representatives in which an investment of $4.5 million dollars in DC’s shelter system would ensure sufficient housing for the 300 families in DC General and the families housed in motels during the winter. But is the shelter at DC General closed? No. Clearly, the council and the mayor didn’t listen to the plan. This despite a $417 million budget surplus.
There were however significant gains in DC’s budget last year. Funding increased for TANF and some of DC’s Affordable Housing programs. These wins would not have happened without significant effort from DC’s activist and progressive communities. And so it is again this year.
The DC Council is in its final stages of negotiating DC’s budget. There are some key programs that are being overlooked and need our immediate support to push Councilmembers to make them a priority. We are asking you to participate in two 1-click email actions to support these programs:
1) Take action to End Homelesseness for more than 800 families and individuals! Two of the most important affordable housing programs that end homelessness are Permanent Supportive Housing (for the chronically homeless) and the Local Rent Supplement Program Tenant Vouchers (for families). Tell the Council to prioritize ending homelessness with housing by taking action here: http://bit.ly/1ti308B
2) Take action for Adult Literacy!* Adult education programs have been underfunded for years, though adult ed has been linked to lower unemployment and poverty rates for adult learners and higher high school graduation rates for the kids of adult learners. We need the Council to fund adult education. Take action for adult literacy here: http://bit.ly/1oXTXHj
And finally, the Fair Budget Coalition will be hosting our culminating action of this budget season on Friday! Join us to stand up for safety net programs at:
Close the Divide!: A Public Forum on Reducing Inequality in the District of Columbia Friday, May 23rd, 10am-Noon At the Wilson Building: 1350 Pennsylvania Ave NW
*Bring ID to get in the building *Light lunch provided RSVP Here: http://bit.ly/CloseDivide
Rapidly growing inequality in DC is deepening the divides between the rich and poor. But the DC Council can close that divide by investing in anti-poverty programs and affordable housing that would make DC a city for everyone. Come hear stories from people whose lives have been changed by safety net programs & what Councilmembers are doing to support these programs in this year’s budget
There will also be the opportunity to learn how to do a Lobby Visit and then participate in one to a Councilmember’s office!
Questions? Contact Janelle at janelle@fairbudget.org or 202-986-9580