March with Save Our Schools Contingent as we join in the 50th Anniversary March for Civil Rights in DC August 24th Public Education is a Civil Right! Save Our Schools calls all supporters of Public Education join with the 50th Anniversary March for Civil Rights: A Continuation of the Battle for Jobs, Justice and Freedom! http://nationalactionnetwork.net/mow/ Meet at Farragut Square 8:00 AM Look for the Save Our Schools banner, pick up your signs and march together to the Rally Site at 8:30 Make your voice heard for jobs, justice, & freedom! Why we are Marching Public Education is a civil right! No school closings! End high stakes testing! Kids over profits-End Privatization!!! Also, join the Journey for Justice Education as a Human Rights Marches, Boycotts, and Rallies in your home city on August 28th and August 29th. Look for further details on all of these events at the SOS website and in future email updates. Join the movement to Save Our Schools! Together we can change the conversation. We can preserve and transform public education for all the children! Our mission is to build a national grassroots, people-powered movement, which preserves and transforms public education, as the cornerstone of a democratic society.