According to DC law (specifically the District of Columbia’s First Source Employment Agreement Act of 1984), city residents should be given priority for new jobs created by municipal financing and development programs. Because of this law, DC residents have since 1984 received more jobs particularly in construction and the hospitality industry, right? Not according to the numbers. Originally, the law required that 51% of all new hires on any government-assisted project or contract must be District residents. However, amendments to the original law exempted contracts under $300,000 and job categories if skilled workers within those categories are not available. Not surprisingly, very few, government contractors actually comply with the 51% new hire regulation, as the chart below illustrates.
So much for the notion that development (i.e. gentrification) spurs job growth for DC residents. What can be done? Join ONE DC’s First Source Jobs Action and find out.
Cross-Posted from ONE DC written by Claire Cook
Come and rise up with ONE DC in action to hold the Mayor accountable to District residents who want to work. This action is a next step in raising awareness about the lack of enforcement around the First Source Law and the city’s broken workforce development system. We plan to get the attention of Mayor Bowser and have her meet our demands.
Join us at Freedom Plaza (closest Metro Station- Federal Triangle) where we will have a teach-in about direct action followed the action at the Wilson Building.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015 9am – 1pm Freedom Plaza 1455 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington , DC 20004 United States
Demand economic and racial justice!
Hold our mayor, DC public officials, developers and companies accountable to First Source!
Join the fight for a truly equitable city!
Sign the petition
For more information contact organizer@onedconline.org or call (202) 232-2915