DC Urban Moms and Dads Co-Founders Maria Sokurashvili and Jeff Steele. A popular and informative blog for DC utilized by many DC-area parents.
DC’s Subsidized Child Care Program is set up to help low-income parents cover the cost of child care while they work, look for work or go to school. A good idea, right? We’re always hearing about how tight the city’s budget is, but if our elected officials want to collect revenue in taxes from parents who can’t afford child care, keeping them from working is not the best way to go. Despite this obvious conclusion, convincing DC government to fully fund the Subsidized Child Care program is a constant battle. As it turns out, convincing some DC residents that it’s important is also a challenge.
It may be those parents who fall into that “donut hole” of not making enough to pay for child care but not making so little that they are eligible for the subsidy who are hardest to convince. I was one of those parents when my daughter was younger. It sucked not to get the subsidy when I really could have used it, but I wasn’t so bitter about it that I didn’t want parents who were even worse off than I not to get the subsidy either. Unfortunately, I came across at least one mother in the donut hole who felt otherwise.
Two years ago, I put out a request to help support Empower DC’s Child Care For All Campaign on an online forum devoted to the concerns of DC parents, DC Urban Moms and Dads. The request was not dissimilar to the request I’m making below.
CAN PARENTS WORK WITHOUT CHILDCARE? JOIN US TO FIGHT THE ATTACK ON DC’s SUBSIDIZED CHILD CARE PROGRAM WHEN: SAURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2012 WHERE: The Dorothy I. Height Library 3935 Benning Road NE (walking distance front Minnesota Avenue Metro Station) TIME: 1:30 – 3:30 For more information, contact Sequnely Gray at childcare@empowerdc.org or 202-234-9119 ext. 103.
This was of course two years ago. The organizer to contact was Ben Parisi, not Sequnely Gray, but the basic goals of the campaign have not changed. Two years ago, at least one anonymous poster on the DC Urban Moms & Dads forum, took exception to my request. The online argument that ensued illustrates some of the confusion over the program which I tried to clear up. I’m not sure how successful I was, but I do think the exchange is… Well, perhaps you should judge for yourself.
Liane: I don’t know if forum readers will find this useful or not as I suspect most of you don’t fall into this category, but in the event that you know someone in the District who simply can’t afford child care or anyone interested in helping out low-income parents, the following notice might be useful. I post on behalf of Ben Parisi, Empower DC’s Child Care For All Campaign Organizer.
PP Social Worker: I agree that it is a huge issue. I am a social worker in DC and see this all of the time. Thanks!
Anonymous: Its actually the middle income families who have the bigger issues – the lower income can get child care subsidies or go to sliding fee day cares – the middle class are in a bind as child care for one with deductions/taxes can be as much as one parents take home so you can’t afford to work nor can you afford to stay home.
Liane: Well, that’s the point. If the child care subsidies program isn’t funded then the lower income parents aren’t getting the child care vouchers that they need or they’re getting vouchers that don’t cover the cost. I’m not saying the middle income families aren’t screwed over by this issue as well, but I just don’t know if it’s actually a bigger issue. Being a true progressive, I think the state would do well to work to help not only poor folks with their child care needs, but also the folks on the verge of becoming poor folks, a number fast increasing in the current economic climate. But if you want to hear from someone who really deals with this issue on a regular basis, consider checking out this post – http://www.grassrootsmediaproject.org/2010/10/ben-parisi-is-pissed/ He makes a lot of good points.
PP Social Worker: Not just middle income. I have a mom that is making just above minimum wage (not middle class . . . → Read More: Subsidized Child Care for Middle Class Parents. Hm?