Yesterday, we posted about tonight’s School Discipline Community Forum–All Souls Church, 1500 Harvard St. NW, 6:30PM. If you want to know more about how DC public school administrators typically discipline our students, watch the video below. Produced by this year’s Critical Exposure fellows, the video lobbies for the implementation of restorative justice programs in DC Public Schools. These programs could go a long way to clogging up the school-to-prison pipeline.
Final Fellowship SE 2014 from Critical Exposure on Vimeo.
Critical Exposure is a DC-based nonprofit that trains youth to use photography and advocacy to make real change in their schools and communities. Grassroots DC member Lishan Amde and I were very proud to work with the Critical Exposure Fellows Anaise Aristide, Malik Thompson, Delonte Williams, Maya Simms and Nadia Upshur-Richardson in the production of this video. Watch and learn what you can do to help bring restorative justice programs to DCPS.