You can also read this post at Storify. #not1more deportation after #2million2many
Immigrant rights groups and supporters gathered for a march and rally in Washington, DC on April 5, 2014. They joined activists in over 40 cities across the country to tell President Obama to stop separating families before he reaches a total of 2 million people deported during his presidency.
The rally began in the Mount Pleasant neighborhood of DC.
Photo by the Lamont Street Collective
Immigration activists and allies appropriate imagery of monarch butterflies to symbolize the right to migrate freely, despite geopolitical borders.
Photo by CultureStrike
A crowd of hundreds marched down 16th Street to the White House.
Employers threaten deportation of undocumented workers to stop them from speaking out about poor working conditions, wage theft and abuse.
For LGBT immigrants, deportation to their home country can mean a death sentence.
At the White House, the crowd raised their voices through story and song. Son Cosita Seria uses the art-form of Son Jarocho music for political commentary.
Join the campaign by visiting notonemoredeportation.com.
NotOneMoreDeportation.com is a project of NDLON to foster collaboration between individuals, organizations, and artists to support individuals in deportation proceedings to stay in the place they call home and to build a movement to push back against criminalization and toward inclusion through organizing, art, legislation, and action.