Posted on behalf of Jahlani Clarke
This program will look at Ferguson, MO as a case study. Our goal is to learn from the mistakes made and empower the community by holding elected officials and police accountable. For example, if elections have consequences, did the community fail to exercise real power by not registering or voting in local elections. The forum will also deal with societal views of men of color (especially African-American men) Community Policing, Mass Incarceration and Opportunities for Youth. We hope to see you there.
Ferguson Forum: Where Do We Go From Here? A Case Study for Empowering Our Communities Thursday, March 12th 2015 Doors Open at 6:45 PM Event Begins at 7:06 PM UDC Main Campus 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW Building 41, Room A-03 Metro Stop Van Ness/UDC (red line)
Light refreshments served in lobby outside of event. Contact David Gaston at dgaston@udc.edu or Jahlani Clarke at jahlani.clarke@yahoo.com
Presented by the Brothers of the Omicron Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.