On Friday December 6, 2013 activists from Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia gathered near the headquarters to make a statement to passerbys about the National Security Agency, the US’s principal spy agency conducting warrantless, unconstitutional dragnet surveillance on all Americans and much of the world: CLOSE THE NSA. and SAVE AMERICA.
It isn’t enough to be outraged. Times like this require concerted, committed, and focused grassroots [creative] action. With Bill of Rights Day approaching on December 15 speak out, and for millions of others whose rights are being trampled by the emerging surveillance state. There has never been a better time to raise your voice!
Organizations represented during the banner drop include: Bill of Rights Defense Committee CODEPINK: Women for Peace Montgomery County Civil Rights Coalition Restore the Fourth We Act Radio
Filmed by Robin Bell Edited by Adwoa Masozi Music by Petteri Sainio