The Grassroots DC is all about community media. Valencia’s It Is What It Is Mobile Talk Show is as community media as community media gets. With nothing but a flash video camera and access to the internet, co-producers Valencia Rutledge and Judith Hawkins have presented Southeast DC and PG County to the world in a way that the mainstream media could never accomplish. Their work is raw–mostly unscripted, unedited interviews of the people they meet on the street or community members trying to make things better. They made some effort to polish their work by taking classes at DCTV, but found that the prices were too high. What does it mean that even the public access station isn’t accessible to everyone? Making community media takes commitment. Making community media without technical or financial support is only accomplished by the most determined. Having worked with Judith and Valencia on their editing skills for a little over a month, I can say that the word determined describes them perfectly.
I’m posting just a few of their videos here for your consideration. If you live east of the river, watching their videos is like checking in with your neighbors. If the other side of the Anacostia is like a foreign country to you, then be prepared to have your assumptions challenged.
Valencia’s & Judith’s Corner
Valencia and Judith speak to audience about their concerns for the surrounding communities and make a pitch for financial support, so they can continue their work.
DC Shootings!
Valencia and Judith return to the scene of shooting.
Homelessness in DC
Being homeless is no picnic.
Have you heard of the N-PUT Organization? I didn’t think so. Community groups doing positive work in Southeast DC aren’t commonly on the radar of our most common news sources.
DC Evictions
This was the first video that Judith and Valencia edited at the Grassroots Media Project lab. There pitch for financial support did not garner enough support, and Valencia was evicted.
To continue following the adventures of Valencia and Judith on Valencia’s It Is What It Is Mobile Talk Show, subscribe to their Youtube channel @ iiwiitalkshow111.